Product wood grades
Mixed Grade
Our most popular grade of flooring is our mixed grade, which is designed to look as nature intended. Floors will contain a variety of select, nature and rustic grade boards to create a natural variation in colours, grain patterns and knot sizes.
Nature Grade
Nature grade contains a greater variation in colour than select grade floors, both in terms of heartwood, as well as sapwood (up to 5%). Knots will be present, some of which will have been filled with a suitably coloured wood filler, but the majority will be smaller than a 10p coin. Occasional small checks or cracks may also be found across the growth rings.
Select Grade
Select grade wood flooring is designed to have a clean consistent colour, with minimal sapwood (less than 3%) and virtually no knots. Where knots are present they will be unobtrusive pin knots, or smaller than a 5p coin. Virtually no filler will be found within a select grade floor, but if used, it will be carefully chosen to complement the wood.